Biological, Chemical, Or Radiological Event
Emergency Procedures Overview
Important Reminders
Biological, Chemical, Or Radiological Event
Bomb Threat
Civil Disturbance
Elevator Malfunction
Emergency Contacts
Fire and Life Safety
Homeland Security
Medical Emergency
Power Failure
Severe Weather

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In the case of an emergency situation, including one related to a terrorist attack, the local and federal police and health systems would immediately take action. The building will follow the guidance of the police and health officials. Each situation warrants a different response. As the building receives information it will be immediately relayed to the tenants.

  • The building will rely on local emergency personnel to administer any necessary medications in response to an emergency situation, including a dirty bomb, biological, chemical, or other attack. These personnel have the medical expertise necessary to diagnose and provide the appropriate treatment in such a situation.
  • The building staff does not have the training to determine whether an unknown substance is actually hazardous and will contact the public agencies each time an unknown substance is found to overtax their resources.
  • The building occupant’s concerns regarding either an unknown substance or a potential threat against the building will not be ignored.
  • The management staff will take some action to investigate all concerns and seek assistance, if needed.
  • In case of a chemical or biological weapon attack, authorities will instruct you on the best course of action. This may be to evacuate the area immediately, to seek shelter at a designated location, or to take immediate shelter where you are and seal the premises (shelter-in-place). The best way to protect yourself is to take emergency preparedness measures ahead of time and to get medical attention as soon as possible, if needed.


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